Squashlevels Information
Joining SquashLevels:
In order to be able to enter your own results, you have to be able to login to Squashlevels.
(You DO NOT need to pay for this – a free membership is enough to be able to enter results. You are of course welcome to pay for a membership too – I'm sure squashlevels won't mind :-) See https://squashlevels.com/membership.php for the features of the various types of membership).
Sign up at https://squashlevels.com/join.
When you join, please make sure you select the correct player - everyone who is entered in the boxes already has a player entry on Squashlevels - you just need to connect your user to it. I have entered everyone into the "GCZ boxes", so you will be able to see your names under:
Please edit your player profile to the following, being sure to click the "Lock" for all the fields:
- Club: "GCZ",
- County: "Zurich"
- Country: "Switzerland".
You can see further information about using the boxes in the "Player" section, here:
Entering Results:
When entering results, please at least fill in the correct date and result in games. You can also fill in the time and the points in each game, but that's unnecessary for the boxes themselves. The points will help for setting your "squashlevels" ranking - this does not affect your Swiss squash ranking.
Depending on whether you know the points or not, enter the scores as shown below: